
66 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Great stuff.

This is a high quality piece you have here. I love the sound of that intro piano. What did you use for that?

The instrumentation was very well chosen. The main tune seems to flow continuously through the entire piece from the piano to strings.

The percussion is mastered amazingly. It sounds like a real drum set. Gotta love that drum roll at 0:26 too.

You have some real talent. Keep the songs coming no matter what.
5/5, 10/10


BrokenPaperWings responds:

Well I didn't write the intro, sadly, but I did transpose it into FL Studios.
So I put in that part on the piano, but after the whole thing was put in, I made all of the notes longer to create the legato effect, then added a slight echo to make it seem like a real piano.
The strings, I did the same thing.
Thank you so much, it really means a lot.
Like I said before, you have good talent too man.

Great Track!

Now I listen to this song to get me pumped up. The breakdown at 3:17 is inspiring and well worth the wait. Overall track flowed very well. Keep up what you are doing man because you are talented.

5/5, 10/10, DL'd, *Listened to this 10 times today*.


Etalo responds:

Thanks a ton man, I appreciate it! :3

Cool Style

This is a pretty cool style of song here. It could easily fit into multiple genres. I like how the song has a pulsating feel to it that keeps pulling me along. The bass you used throughout the song is quite unique. It seems to change from a Hardstyle bass to a more DnB Reese bass. I enjoy both. I like when the drums pick up around the 2 minute mark and begin to develop. The melody sounded simple at parts but never got too repetitive. My favorite aspect of the song is the ambient strings that start the song and continue for the remainder of the song. Not much I can suggest for improvement. Possibly crank up the volume on the drums. Overall great song. This is high quality work man. Keep em coming.
9/10 - 5/5


Xorberax responds:

Thanks! This is a nice review :)

I tend to leave at least one thing going through the entire song, and in this case, it is the Violin.
It's sorta the "catch" of the song that people would most likely remember the song by.

Thanks for the great review Michael!

Good Flow!

Hey man, this song has a really good flow to it. Keeps that pulsating rhythm all the way through the song. It is hard to keep a flow that good.

I like the tune. It has a happy tone. The long synth in the background keeps the tune going.

The build up at 0:48 is awesome. It brings the listener right back into the song.

One suggestion would be to keep the claps on a solid beat, or else it could get a bit wild.

Great work for just beginning man. Keep it up!
9/10, 5/5


Tagiito responds:

Yayzzz. Thanks Mike.


This song better be on the next GuitarHero game.

Great song. Intro had me hooked right away with the guitar.

keep up the great work.


Stage3-1 responds:

I'd love to see it in Guitar Hero, although I'm not counting on it. Thanks for the review.

I LIKE it!

This is one banging track you have composed here man.

haha there are some amazing tunes all packed it. I Like the creativity.

Great idea to alternate between synths and piano for the main leads.

Perfect use of the audio samples. they did not seem out place.

Some suggestions:
- Wait for the intro to progress until you add the kick drums. It will add more build up for the listener.
- Have the feeling in the song change a bit more. This song is packed with a lot of energy, but it stays about the same level throughout. Mix the pace up a bit to keep the listener interested.

I can tell that you put a lot of time into this song. It paid off. I enjoyed listening to it.
Keep up the great work. Let me know if you drop some more tracks. I will listen.

9/10, 5/5,


Fredgy responds:

really thank you! :D
very helpfull review you gave me! ;-D
i'll try to see what i can do :p

i let you know something :p



Amazing demo man.

This is one bangin club beat!!! My house is about to blow up, and the parents are getting pissed. haha always a sign of great music.

keep up the great work, I can't wait to hear the final. Hope it has more amazing tunes like these.
5/5, 10/10


Rukkus responds:

Lmao. Thanks for the review man. I'll be sure the final version has sicker and louder tunes to make ur parents furious.


really unique tune man. I've never heard it before and I like it. I'm always trying to create things people have never heard. this is just great.

I like when that tune comes in at 0:41, really caught my ear.

all of your sounds are high quality. especially the kick drum. Most people have trouble making good kicks but this is perfect.

great song here. Keep up the great work.
5/5, 10/10
thanks for the heads up about this one man.


Skylence responds:

Ahh thanks man! And the kick did take me a lil while lol..
Glad you liked it :)

fffffffffffffffffFINISH IT!!!

The Orchestral beginning/ending is EPIC beyond belief. You have to teach me some of your skills.

The piano is awesome too. Love how it grows in. and the finishes off the song too.

When just the hats came in at 0:41, I was like, yeaaaahhh, that's build up right there. and I knew the NIGHTkilla beat was coming in soon.

Your beat is great like always. Strong enough, but not blowing up my speakers.

Great job with this one man.
Finish it up. and it will be great.

5/5, 10/10


Rukkus responds:

Thanx man. Btw, this song is only a promo. Im gonna make the techno portion a lot longer and add a whole buncha more stuff in.


This song is OFF THE HOOK!!! no lie.

I haven't heard anything this creative on Newgrounds in a very long time. LONG LONG TIME.

First things first, The intro could have been a bit more creative. But at least it laid down the chords/bassline for the song. So it's not terrible.

THE GLITCH TUNE AT 0:40 is INfuckingCREDIBLE. I'm not being sarcastic either. I don't know how people even think of glitching like that. You have to have a lot of skill. I would have done a melody, but the GLITCH is Genius.

And it's not only in the beginning, The Glitch returns at 2:30 and I love every second of it.
My last suggestion would be to mix up the drums a bit more, and maybe use some cymbals. They never hurt anybody. Haha.

For a WIP this an amazing piece of work guys.

I can't wait to hear the final version. Please let me know when it is released.
Keep up the great work!

5/5, 10/10, fav'd
PEACE OUT...................


culmor30 responds:

Wow. That is an epic review. Thanks very much kind sir, I must say that your work is amazing as well. I'll be sure to tell you when we release the final, or perhaps even before then so I can get some opinions.

☜- d(◕ ◡ ◕)b -☞



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