
114 Audio Reviews

66 w/ Responses

EPIC Journey!!!

This is a very powerful piece of music you have composed here man.
It almost has an ambient feel to it, possibly could have gone in that genre. The synth pads/strings that you used in the background were very powerful.

I love the beginning right away. What sound did you use to make the intro??? is it an arpeggio? haha if so where can i get it? because it lays out the whole song for us.

Then the listener can really go on an Epic Journey at 0:58! it's a cool quiet section.

My favorite part of the song is the tune transition that begins at 2:06, that is very creative man.

Then the song fades slowly becomes more simple as the journey is coming to a close.

Only thing I might have added to this song is some piano, but that's just me haha.

well keep up the great work man.
5/5, 10/10, Fav'd (and i'm going to have to download this.


Cobra151 responds:

Glad you liked it so much buddy!

The arpegiation at the beginning and through out the song is from a Free Soft Synth called Rez. Though the soft synth has many very obnoxious glitches, it produces neat sounds. ironically, when the Soft Synth is working properly the sound I am using here (color meS) is an apregiator. But in this case, the Soft Synth Glitched to where it just created a smooth single tone. I wrote all the Arpeggioes myself (Which made changing keys an extremely slow process) and frankly, I am pretty sure that those arpeggios are not reproducable by a preset arpegiator.

Again, glad you liked it so much - Cobra151

P.S. - Could you please tell your freinds about it and get this song somemore attenion? it got absolutely zero New Submission's List attention. Thanks! :)


This is so epic I don't even think words can describe it.

Man, I haven't heard a song this creative in my entire life. ONE INSTRUMENT!!!
How long did it take you to record all of the different sounds?!?!?! and the then mix them alllllll together. simply amazing. This is like one of those stop motion beatboxing videos from youtube except better, since it has the tune also.

The mixing is incredible! Haha, this song is almost more well structured than most songs made with high quality sounds and drums.

The break-downs in the beat are all very unique and cool.

One question, how did you make the tune at 0:52? did you record all the diff. pitches or just record one and then change the pitch in the piano roll?

This so is pretty much perfect. Only thing that's lacking a bit is the kick, but it is pretty hard to make a Deep/powerful kick with just your voice.

Anyways, great job with this one man. The beat is impeccable. The tune/bass notes that you chose are pretty generic, but it doesn't really matter because this version is probably 60x better.

haha keep up the great work,
5/5, 9/10


Hellstick responds:

I used 1 sound for the melodies and changed the pitch on it in the program:P It generally sounds crappy if you try to say all the sounds yourself. However, i have used more then one layer of sounds for the bass and parts of the synth, but that's a minor detail, and not really related to your question:P

About the kick... Yeah... I know... I really wanted to make it better, but as you say that's really hard to do when to only instrument you have is your voice:P I concidered to make some sort of bass drum. You know, put in some bassish sound, to make the kick sound deeper. I skippet that though, but perhaps that was an stupid ideaXD

Thanks for the fantastic review:) If i ever make another "mouth experiment" I'll try to improve on the kick:)


This song is simply EPIC.

All of your synths were well chosen, and they all blend together very well.

You did a great job making a strong beat that never got too overpowering. It was well balanced with the rest of the song. Nothing was drowned out.

My favorite part of the song by far is at 1:06. The fast notes are spot on and transition the song into the next verse very well. It lets the new tune grow back out of the background. Very professional.

Can't think of anything that's wrong with this man. Great tunes all held together with a perfect beat.

I can tell you worked hard on this one man. Keep up the great work.

10/10, 5/5, DL'd (sort of lol).


Rukkus responds:

I'm really glad you enjoyed my song dude. I always enjoy reading you lengthy and informative reviews. 1:06 is my fav part too because it took so long to do. But ya, thanks for the epic review. I'll be looking forward to hearing you next song "Don't Mess".

I Like It!

This is awesome Xenoxx!

The first half had a brand new feeling to it that I have never heard in your songs. And I like it.

The guitar intro is perfect, and all of the fast notes could be heard clearly which is amazing.

Then the Pad/String that comes in at 0:06 is EPIC and builds up the feeling.

My only suggestion would be to not have the bass drums come back in right at 0:25 during the piano section. Let the piano section expand. If that section needs drums I would use some lighter snares/hats. And then truly build it up to the main tune at 0:38!!!

This song will be amazing. Can't wait for the final version man.
Keep up the great work.
5/5, 10/10



This is a great Trance song man.

The tune is cool, and never get's too repetitive. It could use a little more variation. But I don't really know much about trance.
The higher tune that comes back in at 2:29 is even better.

The drums sounded amazing. I loved the DnB influence. You used great samples to make it.

Keep on making great songs man.
5/5, 10/10, Fav'd


NoiseAutomation responds:

Hey thanks! I'll do my best to keep up this type of work :D


This is a great song man. Loved the tune.
I'm pretty jealous that you can get such good sounds out of the FL Presets. That takes skill.

How did you make such a good kick??? haha it's amazing.

The piano is Epic and fits perfectly with the rest of the song.

Keep up the great work.
5/5, 9/10


Kazmo responds:

Thanks I'm glad you liked it!

I actually didn't use any presets, I make my own. :]

That kick has a low cut, lowered mids, and a high cut, and is compressed to the max.

I like the piano too. :3

Thanks for the review and support!!!

MORE piano!

haha jk, music can never have enough piano though. I love it.

This is a great song man. The tune is awesome and very original.

I love how it sequences in at the beginning. Very awesome.

Also, the slowing in tempo at the end was great to close it off.

Only suggestion would be to make the drums just a bit louder. Other than that, this is some amazing trance man.

Keep up the great work man. ((hey, maybe even check out my music if you have a chance. ; )

Great job,
5/5, 10/10


awesome piano!

I love piano in songs. I try to fit it into all of my songs.

Great work on this song. You should really continue working on it.

I can picture this being a really awesome song. If you add some variation in the piano tune, you could really go anywhere you want with this one.

Only suggestion, maybe turn up the volume on the drums a little.

other than that, this is a great start.
5/5, 9/10


gamerworld14 responds:

[sounds good to me, i will really try to do this if i have time. maybe if there is a snow day soon, b/c in our region we are supposed to get 8-12 inches on Friday. if that happens, i will try to have it posted at the end of the day. it is just i have been soo busy with school and stuff. thanks for the great review! i will also try to add volume to the drums :D]

EDIT: sorry that plan didn't happen, I am a big procrastinator...I think that is how you spell it :D


This is an awesome first song man.

you have a lot of talent.

All of the notes are perfect All the different instruments you used are cool.

Keep your songs coming. I will keep on listening.
5/5, 9/10


Cobra151 responds:

Thanks man, glad you liked it!

☜- d(◕ ◡ ◕)b -☞



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